
Kinnick Battle XIII

Saturday, February 4th, 2017

Workout 1

Time Cap: 10 Minutes

For Max weight:

3 Rep Thruster.

Only 3 attempts each, any order. 1 Men’s bar, 1 Women’s bar. Plenty of weight.

*3 consecutive reps, starting from the ground.
Bar cannot touch the ground after the attempt starts. Score is the total of each Team member’s best successful lift. You can squat clean thruster the first rep as long as you get proper depth. Thruster-Jerk is not allowed (i.e. no re-bend of the knee allowed on the press).

—-2 Minute Transition then:

Workout 2

8:00 Total:

M1 in 2:00 mins:
40 Cals Assault Bike (Int 30, Fun 15)
AMReps 155# C&J in remaining time. (Int 95, Fun 65)

M2 in 2:00 mins:
20 Cals Assault Bike (Int 15, Fun 8)
AMReps 155# Snatch in remaining time. (Int 95, Fun 65)

F1 in 2:00 mins:
24 Cals Assault Bike (Int 15, Fun 10)
AMReps 105# C&J in remaining time. (Int 65, Fun 45)

F2 in 2:00 mins:
12 Cals Assault Bike (Int 8, Fun 5)
AMReps 105# Snatch in remaining time. (Int 65, Fun 45)

Score is total reps of C&J and Snatch completed by Team.

The next partner can be seated on the AB before their time starts, so they can start immediately.
Clean is Power, Squat or Split. Jerk is any Jerk or Press. Snatch is Power, Squat, or Split.

Workout 3

Time Cap: 20 minutes

For Time:

The Women complete: (sharing the work, one working at a time)
5 Rounds of
12 Toes-to-bar (Int 8, Fun 8 Hanging Knee Raises)
12 Burpee over 30″ hurdle (Int 8 @ 20″, Fun 8 @ 12″)
12 C2B Pull-ups (Int 8 Pull-ups, Fun 8 Ring Rows)


The Men complete: (sharing the work, one working at a time)
5 Rounds of
12 Toes-to-bar (Int 8, Fun 8 Hanging Knee Raises)
12 Burpee over 30″ hurdle (Int 8 @ 20″, Fun 8 @ 12″)
12 C2B Pull-ups (Int 8 Pull-ups, Fun 8 Ring Rows)

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